The Sunshine Coast has SO many beautiful Council owned locations to marry, it can be hard to pick a spot – there’s just so many to choose from. Stunning hinterland venues like the Maleny Botanical Gardens, Mary Cairncross Park, Gardners Falls and the list goes on. Then the squillion choices for beaches … my faves are Mudjimba beach (and the adjoining beaches), Pt Arkwright, Point Perry … really, what’s not to love.
Here’s a list from Council to help guide you. If you want some hints on where would best suit your wedding, shoot me an email or phone call and I’ll give you some pointers (eg what beaches have stairs, what parking is like, etc).

When you’ve found your perfect spot
When you’ve found an awesome spot – you’ll need to book with Council fill in the form and shoot it back to them – it’ll take about 10 days for them to approve it – oh there’s a non-refundable fee to be paid. But, there’s other stuff to consider – the Council cannot guarantee that there won’t be other people on your spot – its public land. What they can guarantee is that no other wedding party has BOOKED that spot. So, its something to think about. Oh and always think about a plan B wet weather backup to ensure a perfect day.

Some things to think about
Also, have a think about parking for guests – some places like Noosa Beach or Point Cartwright, Mooloolaba are horrible for parking and traffic has been known to get to a standstill.
Where will your reception be and how will the guests travel to and from? What if it rains? Do you have a contingency? or, just as bad, what if its really windy? Trust me getting sandblasted on a beach is no fun for anyone. Is there power at the location? Are there steps down to the beach and will Granny be able to make it down there? … or back up again … what are the tide times? (and learn how to read them .. I had one couple who read the times wrong – haha trust me there’s not a lot of room on Little Cove beach at high tide with 100 guests (it was a lot of fun though) …
Just some thoughts for you 🙂